Східний світ
Інститут сходознавства ім. А.Ю. Кримського
НАН України
"The World of the Orient" journal
"Східний світ" ("The World of the Orient") is a quarterly scientific journal published by the A. Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The journal publishes articles on topical issues of the past and present of the Orient, Oriental languages and literatures, Ukrainian contacts with the Oriental countries, bibliographic surveys and reviews, as well as information about scientific conferences. Also the publications dedicated to the Crimean studies, Caucasian studies, African studies and Eastern Diasporas in different parts of the world are welcome. Original articles of Ukrainian and foreign authors as well as the translations of historical, religious and literary monuments of the Orient are published.
ISSN 1682-5268 (Online), ISSN 1608-0599 (Print)
Certificate of state registration: KB № 15802-4274 PR of 28/09/2009
Professional registration in the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine: Approved by the Resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine Presidium of 10.02.2010 № 1-05/1, of 01.07.2010 № 1-05/5
Journal "The World of the Orient" was first published in 1927 under the aegis of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Association of Oriental Studies. In 1931 the publication was ceased (fore more look: "The history of the journal"). During this period 17 numbers were issued. In 1993, after 62-year hiatus, the publication of the scientific journal "The World of the Orient" was resumed. It became the main periodical of the A. Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In all 90 numbers were issued from 1927 until the end of 2015.
The periodicity is 4 issues per year (one issue per quarter).
Languages of publication: Ukrainian, Russian, English.
The main headings of the journal:
Source study and historiography
Languages and Literatures
Sacred Texts of the Orient
Informational resources of the East
Historical sites of Eastern origin on the territory of Ukraine
Modern East
The heading "Chronicle" includes reviews of scientific events that took place in Ukraine and abroad, as well as essays devoted to traveling to the countries of the East.
Manuscripts are reviewed. The editorial informs authors of acceptance of materials or rejection in the publication.
Articles may be given by scientists as well as by post-graduate students and applicants (for more look: "For Authors").
01001, Ukraine, Kyiv, Grushevsky str., 4, office 226
+38(044)2787652 (editor-in-chief),
+38(044)2799971 (editorial office)